
Modern working requires modern solutions

Innovative technologies driving success in an evolving landscape

Karen O’Connor, general manager, Datapac

Realising the vision of modern work is more than mere future aspirations, it’s a reality driven by the demands of today. Recent global events were the catalyst for restructuring at an almost ubiquitous level, altering the norms for how people around the world engage with their work. Hybrid working is commonplace and it’s important for organisations to critically review their IT ecosystem to ensure it empowers, rather than hinders, modern work.

Flexibility and mobility of teams is a core element of modern work. The underlying IT resources serving as an organisation’s technical backbone need to accommodate this. For information workers, the sheer volume of data consumed and created in their daily tasks increases every year, and the gravity of this data tends to attract more and more data and applications to where data is created and stored, which in a hybrid setting is the endpoint. In such a fluid and dynamic setting, flexibility and adaptability in the underlying infrastructure is key. For organisations with the capacity, a full migration to the public cloud may be a good option. For others, where cloud migration isn’t possible, hybrid cloud solutions like HPE GreenLake can be an excellent fit to ensure infrastructure availability wherever it is needed.

Empowering real-time collaboration

Collaboration and communication are other key tenets of modern work. With teams dispersed nationally or even across international borders, technology needs to empower real-time seamless collaboration and communication, regardless of physical location. Microsoft Teams is the go-to hub for unified communication and collaboration for millions of organisations worldwide.

Communication in a hybrid setting does, however, have its drawbacks. What was previously done through brief in-office exchanges is, in many cases, replaced by electronic communication. This increasing volume of messages can elevate feelings of stress and lead to important information being lost in the noise. Innovative AI technology, such as Microsoft Co-Pilot for Microsoft 365, allows, among other things, for employees to quickly request a summary of critical details and action points from lengthy correspondence chains. In turn, this improves workflow, productivity, and contributes to well-being.

Cybersecurity and compliance are non-negotiable

Cybersecurity and compliance with regulatory demands are non-negotiable elements of modern work. A hybrid workforce already extends the digital threat perimeter far beyond traditional measures, and the ever-advancing sophistication of cybercriminals means that no organisation can afford to keep its head in the sand. Cybersecurity needs to be central to business processes, not cloistered away in a corner of the IT department.

Coupled with the growing threat landscape are expanding regulatory demands, namely NIS2 and DORA, which will directly impact thousands of Irish organisations. Traditional cybersecurity solutions are no longer enough as most organisations lack the internal resources and skills to manage the deluge of security notifications, let alone act on them. For this reason, last year Datapac launched the Managed Threat Ops service, which provides 24/7 active threat detection and response capabilities, bringing the peace of mind of round-the-clock protection at an affordable price suited to organisations of all sizes. The service has analysed over 380 million cybersecurity events since it was first launched.

Modern challenges require modern solutions, and the support of an expert partner can help organisations to meet these growing demands.

Contact Datapac today | info@datapac.com | www.datapac.com