
Can positioning unleash your brand’s potential?

Mobile security provider Corrata called in specialist branding partner TOTEM to define and build a new brand strategy to take it to the top of its game

Colin Byrne, founder of TOTEM: ‘Your brand is what your customer thinks and feels about you. It’s your responsibility to influence that’

Mobile security provider Corrata has enjoyed success, awards and solid partnerships with leading mobile networks AT&T and Three UK and Ireland, but its chief executive Colm Healy has greater ambitions: to seize the opportunity to play on an international stage and propel the business to the highest level.

“As a CEO you see there’s this big market opportunity you’re not playing in. How do you ‘tool-up’ to address that market? We know we have the best product to serve that market. But there’s so much more to it than that.”

But where to begin? Corrata devised a uniquely powerful and user-friendly approach to protecting the mobile devices of business customers. This has earned them high-profile partnerships, but while 40 per cent of businesses buy their mobile security through their network operator, 60 per cent do not. Confident that accessing the US and European markets is a viable opportunity, Corrata needed to clarify their positioning and their offer to businesses. They called in specialist branding partner TOTEM to define and build a new brand strategy, to position Corrata in clear and simple terms.

TOTEM reviewed the market, interviewed customers and workshopped with Corrata’s core team. This led to a simple proposition to clearly express their positioning. It captured Corrata’s ease of use and deployment. It also led to a new brand identity and tone of voice.

“Your brand,” says TOTEM founder Colin Byrne, “is what your customer thinks and feels about you. It’s your responsibility to influence that.”

Talking with Corrata about the journey, it’s easy to see the benefits to any business. Understanding how your offer intersects with your audience, devising a strategy to engage that audience, adding a toolkit of key messages and visuals that connect and build your brand in the minds of customers. This is the catalyst needed to ignite the next stage of growth.

For details: www.totem.ie; hello@totem.ie; +353 58 24832