
Connected’s Top 100: the top 100 people in Irish tech

Here’s our list of the people we think will have a significant say on the future of our tech ecosystem in the years ahead

Welcome to the inaugural Connected 100 in which we round-up the most important people in Irish tech currently. By nature, lists such as this are contentious, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing as it gives us pause to consider the magical ingredients that go to make up a thriving tech ecosystem.

To read the Connected Top 100, click here

This list, which has been compiled using a wide range of criteria, and with the assistance of a number of well-known people in tech circles, aims to be a snapshot of where Ireland is right now.

It doesn’t cover everyone of relevance in the sector. For that we’d arguably need a Top 500 or possibly even a Top 1,000. But what it does do is capture those who we believe are playing a huge role in driving success not just for themselves but for Ireland as a whole.

Chances are that on another day we’d choose a number of different people but I’d expect a good chunk of those who have made our list to appear each and every time.

Ireland undoubtedly punches above its weight in terms of our tech scene, but as we know it wasn’t always like this, and as such what we have gained could as easily be lost.

In seeking to name the top techies in Ireland, we’re name checking individuals who we think will have a big say in the direction in which Irish tech moves.

Hopefully, this ranking will lead to plenty of debate, both positive and negative. I look forward to hearing your feedback.

To read the Connected Top 100, click here